Monday, August 18, 2008

Scrapbooks, field trips, and a mouse

I officially started my new job on Thursday. So far I love it. It's a perfect fit for me. Thursday I held babies and scrapbooked. Seriously? This is my job?!?! I'm so blessed!

Friday I didn't go to FHC in order to work on
stuff with Precious Miracles (sponsorship letters, etc). I also have really tried to organize all my stuff that's in storage. That's a huge task in and of itself. I had a whole orphanage full of baby supplies. The blankets are multiplying on me I'm sure of it! And I have more onesies than there are stars in the sky! =-)
So anyway, I was pulling out bags, going through them and sorting. Some of it goes to FHC, some goes to needy families, and some goes toward another huge yard sale. When I opened one bag of my favorite bright orange blankets that say 'Jesus Loves Me' on them what to my wondering eyes did appear? A dead mouse. That's right you read correctly. EEEEEEK! I thought I was going to pass out from the smell. He was ittybitty but oh how he stunk!

Well that mouse has since been disposed of and my life somehow continued.
Saturday I sat in on a tour of FHC for a group of volunteers that came from the states. Then we piled 6 kids in a van and took them to a park. Seriously? This is my job?!?!

Today I got to see the other part of my job. With the help of 4 volunteers from the afore mentioned group we were in charge of 13 children of which 10 have special needs. They ranged in age from 3-13. We had them all day. From 8-6. That is hard work! I changed a LOT of cloth diapers (a new experience for me), tried to get everyone's lunch and dinner heated and served at approximately the same time. We had to spoon feed most of the kids since they needed help. Of all days, it rained today so we had to keep all 13 inside and occupied. I can't believe we all survived! I have such a huge amount of respect for the caregivers of FHC. They have a tough job and they do it with such excellence. God bless them!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun! Well, not so much the mouse. I can smell it. My grandma had a dead bird in the grill of her car once and I know the smell. GAG! Did you dispose of it yourself?!

I am proud of you and I envy your job! =)

Meredith said...

I finally did it. I am officially a blogger and am able to leave comments. Yipee! Small miracles. I love to catch up by reading your blog. Great idea. I am so glad to hear it is going well at FHC. What a blessing. For well as for you! My prayers are with you, dear friend!

Anonymous said...

So, I think it is lame to use my AIM address and I am going to see if I can use my blog to really this is test.
P.S. Have I ever told you how much I love you and admire you?!