Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is hilarious. I don't blog often....but I did this morning. And it was pretty much a whine fest of why the adoption thing won't happen and why it's taking so long.....
This afternoon I get a phone call saying the girls' family is going to be in Quito TOMORROW night. How's that for a quick answer?
Wow! Talk about no warning. Of course I've wanted this for so long but then when it's on me so suddenly, it took my breath away.
There's a lot to do!
The girls are beside themselves with excitement. They have lots of questions. My favorite was, "Can't you come with us? Come on please?!?"

1 comment:

Giancarlo Giuliano said...

I can't even begin to imagine the conflicting emotions you're probably feeling at this point. You have done so much for these two little girls and see them go has got to be the hardest thing to experience. Trusting God has to be your main focus for you can be sure that He and the new familly will provide all that is needed for the girls to continue being happy.
God bless you for having been there for them when no one else could. You can be sure that you are part of the miracle as well :)