Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wandering and Wondering

Hey friends,
Ok, So here's the deal. I've been trying to write very little because I don't want you guys to stop reading 'cause you're bored. And I try to not get too emotional (a HUGE task for me!!) And I try to stay positive. But at the suggestion of my good friend, Meredith, I'm going to be a little more honest.
I'm frustrated. There I said it.
I KNOW I'm being obedient to God in this stage of my life. I know without any hesitation that He wants me in Ecuador. But what I don't know is why.
I feel like I'm currently doing a job that someone else could do. I'm helping out at FHC and I truly am happy to do so. I love and admire and respect the Vaughns and their home for children more than I could ever express. So I'm happy to help further their organization in any way that I can.
But, I feel like I'm not being used to my full potential. I used to run an orphanage for crying out loud. I used to fee like I was saving lives and making a difference in the world. I don't now. I feel like the Vaughns were doing just peachy without me and now they're happy to have me but basically they could take me or leave me.
I wish I knew what God had in store. I wish I knew how long this period of my life was going to last. If I knew it was just a few months and then something spectacular was going to happen, it would be easier to trudge (is that a word?) through. But what if this is my life for the next few years?!
I just wish I knew what I was doing was making some type of impact.
The kids at FHC are so amazing and beautiful. All precious little miracles themselves. I already have my favorites...wink wink. There are so many more "out there" that need help. Should I start up my home again? Should I brave that storm yet again? Have I matured and learned enough to do it differently? Can I be effective if I do that type of ministry? Should I start up another similar ministry? What would that look like?
I've been asking God these questions. The only answer I get is that He has me where He wants me for now. And once again, I'm frustrated. My prayer right now is that I will learn to be content in every situation. How many times in my life as the Director of PM did I wish for less responsibility and less stress? Now I have those things and I'm still complaining. The grass is always greener right?

Meanwhile I went to see an apartment today. It was in the PERFECT spot and it's brand new and adorable. It's ittybitty though. It may still work. I have 2 appointments tomorrow to see 2 other places a little closer to my price range then the one I saw today. So, hopefully something will turn up.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Last week (Weds and Thurs) I was able to go to Latacunga the city about 2 hours away from Quito where 3 of the Precious Miracles are. Keep in mind I hadn't seen "my" boys in over a year. Luis Eduardo was a little apprehensive but he warmed up to me right away. He is so cute!
Mateo remembered me right away and jumped into my arms and stroked my face and kissed me. Wow! I missed that! =)

Juan Marcos I'm sure never did remember me but he was also very friendly.
My friend Katherine made the kids beanie caps and they were a HUGE hit. Thanks Katherine!!!! The whole 2 days I was there they REFUSED to take the hats off. SO cute! The tias tried to snag a couple too!
It was great to see the kids and see how much they've improved. I'm going to try to make a trip to Latacunga twice a month to help out at FHC there.
Now I'm back in Quito and keeping busy. I can't remember if I've ever had a Mon-Fri 9-5 job. It's weird. Even in college I had crazy hours and crazy jobs. Now I'm trying to be disciplined and work "normal" hours. I am thoroughly enjoying my job. =) I am not thoroughly enjoying being so far away from my friends and my fam. =(

Monday, August 18, 2008

Scrapbooks, field trips, and a mouse

I officially started my new job on Thursday. So far I love it. It's a perfect fit for me. Thursday I held babies and scrapbooked. Seriously? This is my job?!?! I'm so blessed!

Friday I didn't go to FHC in order to work on
stuff with Precious Miracles (sponsorship letters, etc). I also have really tried to organize all my stuff that's in storage. That's a huge task in and of itself. I had a whole orphanage full of baby supplies. The blankets are multiplying on me I'm sure of it! And I have more onesies than there are stars in the sky! =-)
So anyway, I was pulling out bags, going through them and sorting. Some of it goes to FHC, some goes to needy families, and some goes toward another huge yard sale. When I opened one bag of my favorite bright orange blankets that say 'Jesus Loves Me' on them what to my wondering eyes did appear? A dead mouse. That's right you read correctly. EEEEEEK! I thought I was going to pass out from the smell. He was ittybitty but oh how he stunk!

Well that mouse has since been disposed of and my life somehow continued.
Saturday I sat in on a tour of FHC for a group of volunteers that came from the states. Then we piled 6 kids in a van and took them to a park. Seriously? This is my job?!?!

Today I got to see the other part of my job. With the help of 4 volunteers from the afore mentioned group we were in charge of 13 children of which 10 have special needs. They ranged in age from 3-13. We had them all day. From 8-6. That is hard work! I changed a LOT of cloth diapers (a new experience for me), tried to get everyone's lunch and dinner heated and served at approximately the same time. We had to spoon feed most of the kids since they needed help. Of all days, it rained today so we had to keep all 13 inside and occupied. I can't believe we all survived! I have such a huge amount of respect for the caregivers of FHC. They have a tough job and they do it with such excellence. God bless them!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Second Weekend in Quito

Is anyone reading these? =) Please feel free to leave comments. I'm not sure if it's worth my time to post stuff here.

I had an interesting weekend. Friday I went to Nataly's house to wish her a happy 5th birthday. She's so big! That afternoon I got food poisoning. Yay! I'm officially initiated back to Ecuador and my immune system is getting used to new germies.

Saturday my parents and I hosted the mother of all yard sales. Other yard sales will be forever jealous of this one. We sold everything that was not bolted down. It was great. After the exhausting yard sale we went to a beautiful wedding. Honestly I didn't really even know the couple but I got to go 'cause my Dad performed the ceremony. The 10th of August is Ecuador's Independence Day and the reception was downtown Quito. So we saw some gorgeous fireworks and downtown all lit up with gorgeous lights. It was amazing!

Sunday I took 3 little girls to church with me. When I went to pick them up Carla ran out to the front door and said, "Hey Mommy!" Like I never left. She's precious!
Sunday afternoon we had part 2 of our yard sale and sold even more... wow!

The last couple days I've been working on errands that need to get done and I've gotten a lot accomplished.
My dad left Monday super early and Mom leaves Thursday. Then I'm officially "alone" here.
Thursday is also the day I officially start my new job.... HURRAY!

So here are my prayer requests:
1. That I will be able to easily overcome the upcoming hurdles (driver's license, taxes, health insurance, etc)
2. For strength in being ultra independent without my parents around.
3. For a great group of friends that will be support for me (this request is already happening for me!!!! but pray anyway!)
4. Oh and that my tummy will be stronger than it has proven to be. Don't want to go through that again for a looooooong time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Things have been kinda crazy right now. So much going on! I have seen five of my 10 kids so far and they have all been happy to see me! They all look so great! I have been smothered with hugs and kisses! I don't think I realized how much I missed being smothered until I saw them.
Today I see one more of my boys with his foster mom and tomorrow I see my little Flor with her foster mom. Friday is Nataly's 5th birthday and I'll see her and her sister, Joselyn again.

I flew in Saturday and went to church on Sunday. It was so great to see everyone there again.
Monday I had an "interview" for a potential job and I GOT IT! I'll be working at For His Children starting next week.
Monday night I went to my parents Bible study group and it was nice to connect with them again (I used to go before when I lived here.)
Yesterday we spent a day getting as grungy as possible sorting and cleaning. As my parents are leaving Ecuador after 30 years there is a lot to be done here at the house. That has kept us busy since I got here. Saturday there's a huge yard sale. Hopefully most of this stuff will sell. That would be a huge relief for my parents!
The pics are from FHC. In the group pic the 2 boys in wheelchairs are "mine." and then Carla is in both pictures. Aren't my kids cute?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm home!..?

I flew into Quito last night and am getting ready to go to church here pretty soon. Just wanted to let y'all know I made it.
It's VBS sunday today so the church should be full of little ones! YAY! Among them, I'm hoping to see "my" Carla, Nataly, and Joselyn. I am mentally prepared for them not to come running up to me and tell me how much they missed me. =) I just hope they don't run the other way!!!

For those of you who were praying, I made it through customs just peachy. I got a bit nervous as she ran my passport and punched a gazillion things into her computer. Then when she was done she just smiled at me and said, "Welcome home."

Thanks for praying!
Don't stop. I'm about to drive the streets of Quito again. Yikes!