Friday, September 26, 2008

It really shouldn't hurt to be a child.

I was asked yesterday (pretty late) if I would go to Latacunga to the other home that For His Children runs. I have to admit I was pretty annoyed. I had lots of things to do today. Important stuff like laundry and catching up on cataloging and organizing photos! (note the sarcasm!)
But I did what I was told. I was not completely aware of what I was being asked to do.

So I got a ride with a friend and went down (2 hours) to Latacunga. When I got there I saw 4 little girls who are new to the home. Genesis 5 (and the oldest kid at FHCL) Alison 4, Brandy 2 and Andrea 2.
Genesis and Andrea are sisters and Alison and Brandy are sisters and neigbors with the other 2 girls.
The police came and removed these girls from their home (which NEVER happens here!) The girls had been left repeatedly by themselves from about 6 am until 6 pm locked inside a dark room that had an overwhelming stench. When the cops went to rescue the girls he found 2 of them screaming and one licking the floor. All four of them were starving and filthy. The two younger girls are not toilet trained and they were not wearing diapers.

The 4 girls were taken to FHCL on Wednesday. I was asked to go today to do the admittance forms of the girls. This is usually done at the moment of their arrival but no one could go yesterday and really, no one but me could go today. I brought the little girls into the office to take their photos and check for any signs of abuse (standard upon admittance of any child). I wasn't sure how I was going to put the girls at ease. Here I am a tall white strange lady getting all up in their business!
But all my years of child care and child protection came into play. God was definitely right by my side the whole time. I had just the right words to say to comfort them and I was able to get the necessary pictures for their documentation. I was devastated to find out that all four little girls has most definitely suffered physical abuse (besides the obvious neglect!) Two of them most likely have suffered sexual abuse. I don't need an MD to see those signs.
I kept a smile on my face as I finished up and when the Tia left with the girls I sat in the office and cried.
I felt terrible that my oh so important schedule almost kept me from meeting these 4 precious little miracles. I wanted to ask you guys to please pray for Genesis, Alison, Andrea, and Brandy. Only God knows what the future of these 4 dolls is going to be.
I stayed for a couple hours with all the children. By the end, Genesis gave me a big hug and asked when I was coming back to see her. She's been so hurt and yet she's still so trusting... amazing! I assured her I'd be back next week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Re-opening Precious Miracles

Hello Friends,
I've been hesitant to write this because somehow that makes it more official and I'm a big coward... but I feel God leading me to re-open Precious Miracles as a home for abandoned children. I'm also seeing that this time around it will also double as a daycare for very needy families.
I'll write a prayer letter soon with more details and the story of Tanya who led me to this decision. But for now I need prayer! What's new right? I always need prayer! Please pray for me to listen to God's direction in this HUGE next step for me. Please also pray for God to provide the finances. I feel like that's the only thing stopping me right now. If this is of HIM, He will provide. My other request is that God will send the right people to help me out. I'm not silly enough to do this alone again. We need a team for this to work and I'm still looking for my teammates!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it... I can't wait to have a house full of noise and chaos again. =) Please keep me in your prayers!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Adorable Apartment!

I thought some people might be interested to know that I found a place to live...YAY! I still can't believe I did that all by myself. =) I called more than 20 places, visited about 10.... and finally came across my cute lil' apartment. I signed the contract for a year. By this weekend should have internet. (I'm doing this at work...shhh!)

I moved in this last weekend thanks to some good friends of mine and I have no regrets. It's a great place, very safe, and pretty quiet. The driveway is teeny weeny but I'm becoming quite the master at driving my CRV in and out.

I can't find my dishes.... that's my only problem. So I won't add a photo of my incomplete dining room.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Slumber Party!!!!

Ok, So this is a bit late... But on Saturday I took the 4 oldest girls from the Faith House: Jessica (7) Wilma (7) Carla (5) and Marina (4) and Marianela from the toddler house to the guest house for a sleep over. The guest house is set up like a regular house except that in the bedrooms it has bunk beds to house the groups of volunteers that come to FHC.

I had prepared the girls before hand that we were going to do this and asked them what they wanted to eat. In unison everyone asked for Mac n' cheese and hotdogs. So that's what we did.

I made it for them while they ran wild around the house. Then they helped me make chocolate pudding on the stove: none of that instant stuff for these princesses! =)

So after they gobbled up dinner, we played games and giggled. Then I painted everyone's nails and we giggled. After our manicures, we watched a movie in our pjs and ate popcorn. Then we all spread out on the bunk beds and giggled some more. In the morning, I filled the bath tub as full as I could with bubbles. (These girls all take showers) and that was a major highlight!

Then we got dressed and off to church we went.

I'm not sure who had more fun... them or me. It was such a blast!

Now when Marianela sees me she points and says, "That's the lady who paints finger nails!"

I can't wait to do this again!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Myrtle the Turtle

When I was a child, a very young child, my family was given a turtle as a pet. She came from the jungle and she was always kind of my brother's more than anyone else's. Zac named her Myrtle.
I found Myrtle dead in my parent's back yard today. I cried like a little baby. Wow, did I cry.
She has been part of our family since I can remember. Then she was a Precious Miracles pet for many years. My kids adored the turtle! When I closed down PM last year my Mom happily took her back. She's been living at my parents this whole time.
And now she's gone. I'm not exactly sure how she died but I suppose that's not important. I'm so sad.
I called Zac this afternoon to tell him. He was sweet to me (read: didn't blame me!)
She was at least 25 years old but we really have no idea as to her exact age since she was full grown when we received her.
Ok, so that's my news for today. =(